Contacts with Municipality

We are in constant exchange with the municipality for various issues, both directly with the guildhall as well as with the president of the communities of Listaros and Kouses.

Representatives of the municipality have made the following claims:

  • The garbage bins inside the village will be replaced by new ones (this has not happened yet )
  • EUR 25,000 are available for the school (even after repeated requests, we still do not have an answer what this money is for)
  • The municipality will contribute substantially to village cleaning (collection of the branches we cut in June during village cleaning is still pending)
  • The wild garbage bins on the road toward the Odigitria monastery will be removed (has not happend yet)
  • A request for the renovation of the school has been submitted
  • Progress on cadastral issues is slow but steady (we do not have access to any plans or high quality maps)
  • Plans for renovation of the school and the construction of a playground will be discussed for the next technical program
  • The issue of derelict buildings in Listaros is being considered
  • The planning for the renovation of the village square and the fountain is in progress (the plans for the village square are ready and the project should now (July 5) be in the public bidding phase)

In June Jannis and Alexis had meetings with the vice-mayors Mr. Fasomytakis and Mr. Konstantoulakis (see here) to discuss the issues of the village. We also handed in an official letter to the mayor as well as protocols of what was discussed during these meetings. Mr. Fasomytakis also personally visited the village in mid June. A request for a meeting with the president of the communities of Listaros and Kouses is pending since March 18, 2020.

We were informed that other issues such as the construction of a roundabout on the road to the Odigitria monastery near Sylla's house, the cutting of trees outside Listaros, and the improvement of roads around Listaros fall under the legislation of the region of Crete. Also moving the shepherd fence further south to obtain free access to Listarokorfi appears to be difficult due to current rental contracts with the shepherds.

The pictures of the above wild garbage bins on the road toward the Odigitria monastery have been sent to the president of the communities of Listaros and Kousses.